

久しぶりに本屋に立ち寄りました。とりあえずビズログみて「お?」と思ったのが little cheeseとSnapdragon 公式Webサイト 18禁乙女の新作情報って久し振りな気がする。特に後者の女王様系主人公に老齢おじいさんとか…私の好みをわかってるじゃないか…!まあ…

review3 4/16

whose handkerchief was it? - it was Minjun's. did Emily finish the book? - yes, she did. are Emily and Minjun in the same group? - yes, they are. who saw Nana in the cafeteria? - Linda did. Nana fell asleep on her sandwich and she had hone…