
lesson14 4/20

M: hi,Takuya. how are you? T: good. we have a lot of training to do today. M: Im ready. Im wearing my favorite basketball team's shirt. T: cool. then lets go to the gym. M: how many players are there in your club? T: about 20. they all wan…

lesson15 4/21

M: Im thirsty. T: me too. did you bring a drink? M: yes, its in my bag. T: look. Ayaka is here. M: Ayaka? hey, she's not alone. A: hi Mike. this is my good friend Kana. we are in brass band club at school. K: nice to meet you, Mike. M: nic…

lesson16 4/22

hi I came home with Emily and Minjun. N: come on in guys. M: Nana, you have a nice house. its very big. E: and clean. N: thank you. you know my mom died 10years ago. so we share the housework. dad does the cooking. I do the dishes and (lau…


一ヶ月続いたぞー!!!まあ一ヶ月で英語力がついたかと聞かれるとぶっちゃけ変わってないと思うわけですがw というわけでいまさら基礎英語の4月号を買ってみました。テキストがあるとついテキストを見ちゃうので、5月号も5月末に買う予定。 さらっと見た感…

lesson13 4/19

M: whats up, Takuya? T: hi Mike. my basketball club is going to practice tomorrow afternoon. do you want to join us? M: sure. but what will your coach say? T: our coach? it was his idea. he wants to see your basketball skills. M: ok. where…

lesson15 4/21

道順は学生時代にも習ったけど(turn right,turn left)聞いてすぐはまったく理解出来ません。 we finaly say good bye the Linda. now at corner in the library.*: hi, can I help you? E: yes we're looking for books on American history. *: America…


大阪府/平成22年4月30日 有害図書類指定一覧 基準があいまいすぎてなんとも…charaがダメってことはカルバニア物語もアウトですか…そうですか…。非実在といい今回のことといい最近やけに動いているこのいったい誰のために行ってるのか分からない規制が全国…

lesson14 4/20

Linda is not nice to me. I want to be friends with her. but I dont know how.L: Im looking forward to your book report. good luck. N: thank you Linda. by the way what scene are you doing? the battle scene? L: thats secret. N: oh, Im looking…



lesson13 4/19

we're in front of the library. Linda is here, too. I dont know why but she is mean to me.L: wait Nana, Im not finished yet. E: Linda we're busy. N: we're going to my house to do the project. L: project? oh, what scene are you doing? E: we'…



lesson12 4/15

Bill, Judy, Mike, Rachel, Nicola N: dad, did you see moms new red bike? B: no. J: Ayaka took me to the bike shop today. M: I went to there, too. the shop has some cool bikes. J: Im glad to have a new bike. it was so much fan to ride it aro…

review3 4/16

what did Judy buy at the supermarket? └she bought a lot of food there. what color is Ayaka's mother's bike? └it is sliver. how long is this cycling cource in the park? └it's about 2 kilometers. why does Bill have to exercise? └because Japa…




をプレイしてみました。が、コルダ2も3もビタレボもまだクリアしてません<(^o^)> お、俺…二世までには全部フルコンプするんだ…!ととりあえずフラグを立てておく。にしても音量小さすぎてビックリした。最初テレビつけながらだったとはいえ「フルボイスじ…

lesson10 4/13

A: shopping bikes are over there Mrs.Grant. J: wow they have many colors. A: my mother bought this silver one last year. J: its very nice. I like this red one, too. M: which bike will you buy mom? J: oh, I dont know. I like both colors. M:…

lesson11 4/14

kilometerの発音難しくないですか…? M: are we going home now? J: I want to ride my new bike for a while. A: I want to ride my bike, too. lets go to the park Mrs.Grant. many people go there to ride their bikes. J: thats a good idea. its has …

ま た か



アニメ感想を書いてないことに気づいた。別テキストに保存してたけどこっちに書くの忘れてたわー。まあこういう感想ものはリアルタイムじゃないと面白くないような気がするんで消しちゃえ。AB3話の感想だけやけに長いしw 四畳半の原作も途中で放り出してる…


久しぶりに本屋に立ち寄りました。とりあえずビズログみて「お?」と思ったのが little cheeseとSnapdragon 公式Webサイト 18禁乙女の新作情報って久し振りな気がする。特に後者の女王様系主人公に老齢おじいさんとか…私の好みをわかってるじゃないか…!まあ…

review3 4/16

whose handkerchief was it? - it was Minjun's. did Emily finish the book? - yes, she did. are Emily and Minjun in the same group? - yes, they are. who saw Nana in the cafeteria? - Linda did. Nana fell asleep on her sandwich and she had hone…


ウェブにあるシャドウイングの「migratory bird」が言いにくすぎるw ボキャブラリーには発音記号も載せて欲しいなあ…自分で調べちゃったよ。 あと天気が悪かったので録画しておいたチャロがめちゃくちゃノイズ入っててとても見れたもんじゃありません…。見…

lesson12 4/15

hi class is over and Im talking with Emily and Minjun. we just saw Linda in front of the library.E: lets make the prince and princess (is?) wedding scene N: oh good idea. why dont we do project to my house? E: ok but before that lets go to…


もうこのままあきらと千本木がくっついてもいいような気がしてきた。というか何気に山田太郎をこえて連載最長記録なことにもびっくり。刊行ペースがのんびりだからそんなに長いとは思いもしなかったw 次こそ最終巻、とか書いてあったけどまだまだ続けてくれ…



lesson11 4/14

ジョーダンってGeordanじゃなくてJordanなんじゃ…と思ったのでJに変更 Ms. Jordan is talking about a new whomeworkJ: class today I am talking about your new homework. it is a book report. M: no J: make your favorite scene from the book in the s…

lesson9 4/12

A: hello Mrs.Grant. J: oh, hello Ayaka. A: is that bag heavy? J: yes. I bought a lot of food at the supermarket. A: you need a bike, Mrs.Grant. shopping will be easier. J: youre right. its difficult to carry heavy shopping bags. A: please …




ペンギン可愛い…!んでもって今日は5月号のテキストを買ってきました。ラジオ版も買うべきか悩んだんですけどねー。NHK テレビリトル・チャロ2 英語に恋する物語 2010年 05月号 [雑誌]日本放送出版協会 2010-04-17

lesson10 4/13

we made it class on time. G: good afternoon class. did everyone finish the book? E: yes. M: no. G: Emily, can you tell me about the story? E: yes a princess is walking with a prince. then a monster catchs her. the prince helps her and they…