lesson15 4/21

道順は学生時代にも習ったけど(turn right,turn left)聞いてすぐはまったく理解出来ません。

we finaly say good bye the Linda. now at corner in the library.

*: hi, can I help you?
E: yes we're looking for books on American history.
*: American history?
M: yes. we're doing a project on [?] リンカーン.
*: ok. go to the end of this aisle, turn right and there on 3rd shelf.
N: thank you.
*: you're welcome.
Abraham Lincoln:第16代大統領

Emily, turn right over there, and turn left at the first corner.
excume me. where is the post office?:郵便局はどこですか?
walk 3 blocks and youll see [it?] on your right.