
review2 4/9

一週間まとめ I want to drink something cold.

lesson8 4/8

Judy, Rachel, Keiko, Ayaka J: thank you for inviting us today. K: youre welcome. we enjoy hanami in the park every year. A: are there cherry trees in NY? R: yes, there are many cherry trees in BBG. K: is the garden populer? J: yes, it hold…

lesson9 4/12

I fall asleep during lunch right now we're running to classM: hey Nana, you have honey on your cheek. E: how you that happen? thats talented. N: oops its from sleeping on my sandwich. its so sticky. M: here, use this ハンカチーフ. E: dont …


君に届けのアニメ化に乗じて少女漫画に興味を待ってしまった男友達から「なんか面白いやつない?」と言われ、君に届けと 全 く 路線が違うんですが7SEEDSを薦めてみました。まあこれはこれでハマってくれたようで「続きが気になる」「花と嵐はどうなるんだ」…

lesson7 4/7

Bill, Judy, Mike, Rachel, Nicola, Ayaka 登場人物には自信がない… J: this is a nice spot. R: yes we can see so many beautiful blossoms. B: and so many people. J: do you want another sandwich, Mike? M: no thanks mom. I want to eat something d…


申し訳ないのですが私事で色々と反応が遅れてます。 以下ぐだぐだとなっがい愚痴書いたけど消去!


ある程度オチが読めた。というか実際こんな細かいところまで気が利く男子高校生っているかー?三匹のおっさん文藝春秋 2009-03-13

review2 4/9

一週間のまとめ まさかEternal Flameが流れるとは思わなかったw これくらいゆっくりな歌詞だと聞き取りやすいなー。

lesson6 4/6

J: your father and I met Mr. and Mrs. sasaki today. B: they invited us to picnic in the park this saturday. R: a picnic? N: our class learned about that today. japanese people call it hanami. they (sit under?) the cherry trees and enjoy th…



lesson8 4/8

the sun feels so good. its so warm and my pillow is so soft. wait, pillow?E: Nana, Nana, wake up. M: yeah, wake up seven. its time to go to class. N: what? where am I? E: you fell asleep on your sandwich. hurry and eat it. class starts in …


状態になってきましたね。まあ私個人としては別に何の問題もないんですがw というわけでここ数日の話。とりあえずネトゲですが、友人がオーラになりました。めでたい。私自身もダラダラながらレベル95まで来ました。こんだけのんびりしてても一ヶ月でこれだ…

lesson7 4/7

my dad made me my favorite sandwich. mam died 10 years ago so dad makes our lunch everyday.N: can I have a chicken nagget for a bite of my sandwich? E: sure. wait, this isnt a turkey sandwich. M: look. there is note on(?) your lunch box. S…


owe 人〜:人に〜を借りている、〜があるのは人のおかげ

lesson5 4/5

(Bill, Judy, Makoto, Keiko) B: these trees are beautiful. J: yes. to see cherry blossoms (in) our first week is wounderful. B: lets take a photo together. excuse me. could you take our photo please? M: of course. K: are you Mr. and Mrs. Gr…

lesson6 4/6

hey its Nana. im going to lunch with my friends minjun and emily. we walking to the cafeteria.M: its sunny. why dont we sit by the window today? N: (sit over) there instead of useual spot? ok. E: sure, its nice to have a change of scenery.…

lesson5 4/5

基礎英語2ディクテ4月5日分 class is almost over. the only means one thing. lunch time. Im having lunch with my friends minjun and emily. M: hey seven. oh sorry, hey Nana lets go to cafeteria for lunch. N: ok Minjun. Emily lets go. E: ok. I …

review1 4/2

基礎英語3 4月2日分書き取り問題 when i got home, my sister was watching TV.



lesson4 4/1

基礎英語3ディクテ4月1日分 R: how was the park, Mike? M: great I make two new friends. this is Ayaka and this is Takuya. R: hi Im Rachel. N: and im Nicola. A: hello. R: nice to meet you. Mike Im tired. I need a rest. M: why? N: when you wer…

lesson3 3/31

基礎英語3ディクテ3月31日分(M:Mike、A:Ayaka、T:Takuya) M: that was fan. you are both good at basketball. A: thank you. do you like this park? M: yes. I came here yesterday, too. A: really? did you play basketball? M: no, my family took …


さぼらずやりますお(`・w・´) ついでにチャロ2週間分(ウェブ)の画像ですー。 ラジオ自体は15分だけど、ディクテのために数回繰り返してるんで結局のところ1レッスンに30分くらいはかかってるんですよねー。まあそれでも英語勉強にしては短い時間ですよ…


薄桜鬼:原作未プレイ。なんとなーくしか話の内容はしらなかったんですが、こういう感じですか…。しかしギャルゲ原作で可愛い女の子がいっぱい出てくるのには慣れてきたけど、乙女ゲ原作でイケメンいっぱいというのは未だにむず痒いような感覚に陥ります。 …

lesson2 3/30

基礎英語3ディクテ3月30日分(M:Mike、A:Ayaka、T:Takuya) A: my brother is coming. he plays basketball, too. hes a good player. M: realy? A: this is Takuya. Takuya, this is Mike. T: hello, Mike. M: hi, Takuya. do you want to play basketbal…

review1 4/2

基礎英語2は今回まとめでした。 Can I ...?:…していいですか don't have time:時間がない





lesson4 4/1

基礎英語2ディクテ4月1日分(ナナ:N、シュン:S、ヤスオ:Y) Y: Nana can you walk from high school today? Shun and I dont have time to drop you off. N: sure. my school just across the street. Y: I made a turkey sandwich for Nana, and a ピー…



lesson3 3/31

基礎英語2ディクテ3月31日分(ナナ:N、シュン:S、ヤスオ:Y) Y: Nana what are you doing? Shun and I are leaving. S: yeah, Nana what are you doing? N: Dad, Shun is hiding my shoes. S: i cant tell you where shoes are. im telling the truth. N:…