

7月15日発売予定。「ファイアーエムブレム 新・紋章の謎 〜光と影の英雄〜」には,仲間を失わずプレイできる「カジュアルモード」が搭載 - 4Gamer.net そんなモードはいらんのだよ…!「死んだらリセットしてやり直し」という妙な緊張感で必死に頭使ってやる…



review9 6/4

which flavor does Nana want? └she wants chocolate with sprinkles. how old is the market? └its about a 100 years old. did the peach taste sweet? └yes it did. who found a key chain? └Emily did. Nana, Emily, and Minjun ate doughnuts and peach…

lesson35 6/2

I: Mike, have you finished your warm up exercises? M: yes, I have, Mr.Ito. I: good. we're going to start soon. by the way, do you know about our school's sports festival? M: yes, I do. my friends invited me. I: actually, I want to invite y…