lesson28 5/20

Emily, Minjun and I are giving a presentation.
as usual Minjun is only interested in the fighting scene.

E: anyway the wedding is happy event for the kingdom.
N: its a celebration of their love.
M: its also the end of the prince's long and hard search for the princess.
E: does anyone have any questions?
?: when did they get married?
N: on June 6 in 1678.
E: anyone else?
L: I have a question.
J: go ahead, Linda.
as usual:例によって
go ahead:さあどうぞ

Shun, when did you take a shower?
└I took a shower this morning
Nana, when did you brush your teeth?
└I brushed my teeth right after dinner.

on May 12th:5月12日に
on July 4th:6月4日に
in 2010:2010年に