lesson32 5/27

M: are you ok, dad? you're walking very slowly this morning.
B: I'm a little tired.
N: actually he's not well today.
R: his legs hurt.
M: what happend? did you fall over?
B: no, I didnt.
R: last night we jogged 2raps in a park.
  then dad wanted to jog another rap. I was surprised.
M: did you jog 3raps, dad? that's not easy.
J: I agree. you shouldn't try to hard Bill.
B: yes, you're right. next time I'll jog 2raps. ouch.
fall over:転ぶ、倒れる

Mary is interested in world history.:be interested:興味がある
Ken is pleased with the resuld of the exam.:be pleased:喜んでいる
I was surprised at the news.
I was surprised at the number of people.