review8 5/28


how often does Makoto go jogging in Komazawa park?
└he goes jogging there about 3times a week.
why didnt Mike go jogging with his father?
└because he had a lot of homework.
what did Mike give Rachel?
└he gave her a stopwatch.
how many laps did Bill jog last night?
└he jogged 3raps.

hi grandpa. how are you and grandma? we are fine.
dad and Rachel went jogging with Mr.Sasaki and Takuya in the park on monday night.
many people go jogging there.
Mr.Sasaki and Takuya run in the park about 3 times a week.
I wanted to go jogging, too. but I had a lot of homework that night.
after they jogged 2 laps, dad wanted to run another lap.
Rachel was surprised. the next morning dad's legs hurt.
bye. Mike

where was the event held?
my homework will be finised soon.
I was given this stopwatch.
Rachel was surprised.
I was given a DVD.