lesson34 6/1

M: tell me about your sports festival.
A: its a special festival for students.
  we have many sports events at school.
K: our 3rd grade classes are going to take part in a jump rope event(s?).
A: we're going to have other events, too.
M: thats sounds exciting.
  are you looking forward to it?
A: yes. but I'm a little worried about our brass band club.
  we have not practiced enough.
K: please come (and?) cheer for us Mike.
M: is that ok?
A: of course.
jump rope:縄跳び
look forward to
be worried about:〜のことで心配している
cheer for:〜に声援を送る
is that ok?:それでいい?(確認)

we have not practiced enough:私たちは十分に練習しなかった→不安だ(現在の状況、気持ち)
we did not practice enough:私たちは十分に練習しなかった(事実)
I havent bought my ticket to the concert:チケットを買ってない→まだ手元にない
Megumi hasnt changed her clothes yet:まだ着替えていない→パジャマのまま

I have not returned this CD yet.
I have not eaten breakfast yet.:朝ごはんをまだ食べていない(食べるつもりはある)