lesson38 6/8

M: hello, this is Mike. is Ayaka there?
A: hi, Mike. what's up?
M: I need your help from my art class.
  I have to draw a picture.
A: how can I help you?
M: I have to choose a Japanese thing in Setagaya.
  do you have any ideas?
A: how about my cute face?
M: your face?
A: I'm just kidding.
M: Ayaka.
A: ok, how about the old farm house garden in Kitami?
M: old farm house garden? it's sounds perfect.
  by the way, where is Kitami? I have never heard (of) that place.
A: don't warry. I can take you there.

I have never climed Mt.Fuji.
my sister has not used a computer.
I have never read any English novels.
I have never watched that TV drama.