lesson42 6/15

K: have you ever made bagels before, Rachel?
R: no, I haven't.
K: in that case, we need the recipe. let's search the internet.
N: we need the recepe for NY bagels.
K: ok. here's a recipe.
R: it's written in Japanese.
K: yes, but don't warry. its the recipe for NY bagels.
R: oh, I miss them. I have wanted them since I came to Japan.
N: why don't we make a new kind of NY bagel?
K: what do you mean?
N: we can add green tea.
R: green tea bagels?

We have been good friends since we were in elementary school.
I haven't eaten anything since this morning.
I have been in the garden since 8 o'clock this.
I have lived in this house since I was born.