review11 6/18

who is going to take a picture?
└Yasuo is.
who talked about the ball park?
└Ms.Jordan did.
how long did Nana and Minjun study in the library yesterday.
└they studied for 2 hours.
where is Shun?
└he's at the ball game

they went to the top of the Space Needle.
Mt.Rainier still has snow on it, and it was beautiful.
they talked about Shun, and about Nana's history report.
then Shun called Nana. he wanted to a ride.
did they talk about Shun at the top of the Space Needle?
yes, they did.

how long did you run?
└I ran for 2 hours.
how long were you on the observation deck?
└we were there 30 minutes.