lesson43 6/16

R: can Nicola and I make green tea bagels, Mrs.Sasaki?
K: of course you can. I'll make plain ones.
  lets make dough in to rings.
N: that sounds like fun.
K: do you like cooking Nicola?
N: yes. I have liked it for a long time.
K: how long?
N: since 1st grade. I made a cake for dad's birthday that year.
R: Mrs.Sasaki. the water is boiling.
K: all right. let's put the bagels into the water.
N: can I do that?
K: ok. be careful

we have known each other for five years.
I have not slept for 20 hours.
I have not seen Momoko for 10 years.
I have not had a cold for 3 years.