
以前インタビューで話されていた作品をようやく見れました。 ジェニファー・ラブ・ヒューイット演じるカチャが可愛かった…性格はとんでもだったけどw 色々突っ込みたいところはあるんですが、ラブコメディなので深く考えずに見るといいかな〜。でもこのタイ…


ドラマ「三国志」公式サイト 新作のレンタル料金高いよバカ!と思いながら今手元には10巻を除き4〜16巻まであります(ニコリ!)10巻だけ全部レンタル中でした…しかも9巻まで見たのでこのまま11巻へ突入するか、どこか別所で10巻借りてくるか悩んでます。と…


レイトン教授VS逆転裁判 PVが上がってますが、成歩堂の声はもしかして…?とりあえずキャスト発表待ち〜。

10-4(テンフォー) 1巻








lesson45 6/21

T: what did you think of that move Mike? M: it was good. but you need better ball control. T: yes, I know. M: I'll show you a new move. I saw on TV the other day. watch this. ouch. T: are you ok? M: I don't think so. I have hurt my ankle. …

lesson47 6/23

dad isn't happy with me and Shun. I didnt finish my history report yet. but went sight seeing all day. Minjun's call saved me, I hope. can I go to his house? N: dad, can I go to Minjun's house (and?) work on our history report? Y: no. you …



lesson46 6/22

we pick Shun up at baseball stadium. and took everyone home. now we are back home, too Y: go to your rooms. N+S: but dad. S: good timing. Y: Nana, its for you. we can talk later. M: hi, Seven. N: hi, Minjun M: yeah, this is Minjun. but how…

lesson45 6/21

Shun called. he needed a ride. Shun is in trouble because he lie to dad. did he really? N: Shun, dad doesn't sound happy. Y: Nana, we can need him at Safeco Field. N: ok, but what is Safeco? M: it's the home of Seattle's Major League Baseb…


9巻が出たのにまだ読めてませんー。最近私もあまり寝れてないのでがっつり寝たいなあ。読めば読むほどもうランちゃんでいいじゃない…と思ってしまう。 基本的に漫画・小説のメディアミックス化はあまり好きじゃないけど、シマシマに関してはドラマで見てみた…

review 6/18

why were Rachal and Nicola busy in the morning? └because they went to 4 bakerys to look for NY bagels. how did Keiko find the recipe for NY bagels. └she searched the internet. what kind of bagels will Keiko make? └she will make plain bagel…

lesson44 6/17

R: the bagels smell delicious. K: they will be ready in a few minutes. N: can I take a bagle to Mike? K: of course. is he at home? N: I think so. R: we should make some bagels for mam and dad next time. K: yes, and I want to make some for …

lesson43 6/16

R: can Nicola and I make green tea bagels, Mrs.Sasaki? K: of course you can. I'll make plain ones. lets make dough in to rings. N: that sounds like fun. K: do you like cooking Nicola? N: yes. I have liked it for a long time. K: how long? N…

review11 6/18

who is going to take a picture? └Yasuo is. who talked about the ball park? └Ms.Jordan did. how long did Nana and Minjun study in the library yesterday. └they studied for 2 hours. where is Shun? └he's at the ball game they went to the top o…

lesson42 6/15

K: have you ever made bagels before, Rachel? R: no, I haven't. K: in that case, we need the recipe. let's search the internet. N: we need the recepe for NY bagels. K: ok. here's a recipe. R: it's written in Japanese. K: yes, but don't warr…

lesson44 6/17

I was having so much fun. but dad asked me about my school work.Y: well, let's head out. N: hello? Shun. where are you? S: I'm at ball game. it's over now. could you ask dad for ride? N: sure. dad, can we pick shun up at baseball stadium? …

lesson41 6/14

K: hello, Rachel, Nicola. how are you? R: fine. but we have been busy this morning. K: why? R: we went to 3 bakerys. we're looking for NY bagels. N: and we can't find them in this bekery, either. K: well...bakery is around here don't sell …

lesson43 6/16

my friends are talking about Shun again. he is their roel model because he is good at school and sports.Y: speaking of school, (do) you guys have any homework this weekend? N: only a little. how long did we study yesterday, Minjun? M: for …

lesson42 6/15

I am on the observation deck. I can see the whole city from here. now Emily and Minjun are talking about Shun again.J: Nana, did you see the ballpark? N: not yet. J: your brother likes baseball, right? M: yeah, shun is really good. E: he's…


なに見ようかな〜と公式サイト巡りしてたんですが、伝勇伝のPV2がビックリするほど真面目で逆に笑えるのはなぜw カバー差し替え前に読んだのでもうだいぶ記憶が薄れてるな…始まる前に読み直すか終わってから読み直すか悩むところ。

翔佯の花嫁 片月放浪

続編とこちらのどっちを先に読むかでだいぶ印象が違う一冊かと。私はこっちの主人公の方が好感度高いですけどねー。ハッピーエンドとは言い難いんですが、最後の後味の悪さも嫌いじゃないです。翔佯の花嫁 片月放浪 (講談社X文庫 ホワイトハート)森崎 朝香 …

lesson41 6/14

minjun is good at math. who knew? now we're at top of the Space Needle.E: we're at the top. N: wow, looking Mt.Rainier. its still has snow on it. M: I like to camp there. N: camping sounds like fun. E: look Nana. you can see the market fro…

review10 6/11

what does Mike have to draw for his art class? └he has to draw something in Setagaya. where will Ayaka take Mike? └she will take him to the old farm house garden in Kitami. how do you pay for vegetables at the stand? └you put the money in …



lesson40 6/10

M: wow, this is amazing. A: have you ever been to a place like this? M: no I haven't. its like a museum. *: hello. welcomet to the farm house garden. M: thank you. may I ask you a question? *: yes, of course. M: what's this? *: it was u…


見事なまでに俺たちの戦いはこれからだENDでしたね。いや、予想はしてたけどw やっぱ二期かー。っていうか二期じゃなくてどう見ても分割2クール…。

